New Web Site
13 March 2010 - 00:32
At long last, a break in other more pressing projects has allowed us to update this web site, replacing the older one based on OpenACS with a true “eat your own dog food” Ruby on Rails site.
Some things did not survive the transition — notably some of the demos (the Seattle Angina Questionnaire and Q-Assessor) and nearly all of the commentaries. Those of you who recall (or check Google’s cache while it lasts) will know that those commentaries tended to be quite political in nature. We haven’t substantively changed our views on things; we’ve just decided not to be so public about them.
Instead, what posts will occur in this space will focus on technical issues. The process of moving to Rails has provided many topics worthy of comment, though most have been covered before and more definitively elsewhere. Some thoughts may show up here anyway.
What is somewhat amusing is that the logs show that a couple posts quite long ago about setting up RAID on Debian boxes continue to generate interest. This is amusing because that kind of low level sysadmin stuff is one of the most compelling reasons to rely on managed hosting services like Slicehost — which is what we do now for all of our real sites. We still deploy development sites and other experiments on our own boxes, so we haven’t been able to avoid Linux sysadmin obligations entirely. Nevertheless, even though we certainly aren’t experts on such matters, we’ve retained those two old blog posts for whatever use they may be to our visitors.
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